mahr-kee(z), 2013

mahr-kee(z) Detail Images

Large scale sculptural installation



Mesh Magazine Launch Event

(L)ABnormal - SCAD Digital Fabrication Club Fall 2014

Mar-quee [mahr-kee] – an ornamental canopy, often surrounded by a cache of light bulbs, signaling entrance to a theatrical event. Mar-quise [mahr-keez] – a gem cut, low pointed oval with many facets.

This installation was created for the launch of the inaugural issue of Mesh Magazine - an independent publication that showcases the work of artists and designers, erasing disciplinary boundaries through digital design and fabrication.

Mahr-kee(z) creates a center in an asymmetrical space by utilizing the existing columns. A new faceted surface encases the columns and propagates into flowering canopies. In addition to the dynamic folding and pleating of the column-canopies, ornamentation is achieved by an aperture pattern that follows the geometric logic of the faceted surface. The aperture pattern is strategically placed to alleviate visual weight and generate lighting effects as it twists from the base to the capital. This project is part of continuing research addressing contemporary ornamentation and isomorphic transformation of architectonic elements.

Credits: This project was developed in collaboration with Cassie Stepanek and Mesh Magazine. All photography by Andrew Forino. 

Project Team: TJ Howells (designer), Tessa Watson, Xavier Ramirez (project leaders), Robert Hon, Gabriela Orizondo, Hunter Pope, Audrey Reda, Pin Thienapirak, Fanny Varga